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e-Bus Running Time Analysis

Leverage your e-bus CAD/AVL data to create better timetables using reliable driving times throughout the day.

The MAIOR Suite helps you to calculate reliable Running Times of your electric vehicles

Enhance on-time performance and elevate service planning quality by utilizing your CAD/AVL data. Accurately plan reliable trips and vehicle blocks for electric vehicles with precise driving times, ensuring better service delivery for passengers.

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maior optimal running time-mobile

The MAIOR Suite helps you to calculate reliable Running Times of your electric vehicles

Enhance on-time performance and elevate service planning quality by utilizing your CAD/AVL data. Accurately plan reliable trips and vehicle blocks for electric vehicles with precise driving times, ensuring better service delivery for passengers.

Enhanced with a

driving times optimization algorithm

Calculate reliable electric vehicle driving times using data from your ITS system and determine the best running times and the right time bands to use throughout the day.


maior running time-desktop
maior running time - mobile


Want to learn more?

All modules of the MAIOR Suite for e-Bus

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