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Train Assignment

Train Assignment

Train Assignment

Accelerate, simplify, and automate rail operations before leaving the depot and handle last-minute changes in real-time.

The MAIOR Suite allocates Train Plans effectively, ensuring efficient train operations at depots.

The Train Assignment module enables real-time management of last-minute changes, such as train substitutions due to malfunctions and the service creation or cancellations as operations evolve.

Train Assignment
Train Assignment

The MAIOR Suite allocates Train Plans effectively, ensuring efficient train operations at depots.

The Train Assignment module enables real-time management of last-minute changes, such as train substitutions due to malfunctions and the service creation or cancellations as operations evolve.

Enhanced with a

effective train assignment optimization algorithm

Optimize operations by assigning the right train to the right train plan.
Accelerate, simplify, and automate the dispatching of train services as trains prepare to leave the depot. 


Train Assignment
Train Assignment


Want to learn more?

All modules of the MAIOR Suite for Rail

Operations Management


Trenord: Railway Workforce Management with MAIOR
Trenord: Railway Workforce Management with MAIOR

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