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Train Scheduling


Find the scheduling solution tailored to your company’s needs and rules, minimizing non-revenue trips.

The MAIOR Suite Optimizes Train Plans accommodating all types of rail vehicles managing consist sizes efficiently

The Train Scheduling module reduces the total number of trains required, maximizing fleet efficiency while minimizing deadhead trips. Including the optimization of regional train, light rail or metro, helping to easily define consist size or composition and compatibility.


The MAIOR Suite Optimizes Train Plans accommodating all types of rail vehicles managing consist sizes efficiently

The Train Scheduling module reduces the total number of trains required, maximizing fleet efficiency while minimizing deadhead trips. Including the optimization of regional train, light rail or metro, helping to easily define consist size or composition and compatibility.

Enhanced with a

robust rail plans optimization algorithm

Consider network constraints, fleet availability, operational rules, and all necessary activities to minimize the total number of trains while maximizing their efficiency. This will help reduce the total cost of executing your railway service.




Want to learn more?

All modules of the MAIOR Suite for Rail

Resource Scheduling


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