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MAIOR School

Italian in-depth courses on MAIOR solutions.
In Florence.

MAIOR School helps your personnel work better by improving their skills in the planning, design, and management of public transport services.

MAIOR School

Courses in the presence of updating and deepening on the products of MAIOR solutions

MAIOR School is the answer to the professional growth needs of the staff involved in the planning, design and management of local public transport services.

WHAT Will you experience

Hands-on excercises

Study business cases, do simulations and hands-on exercises with industry colleagues using MAIOR Suite

Networking with other operators

Meet other industry players live, and exchange knowledge, contacts, news from the world of Public Transport

Interactive courses

Learn with a team of experts who have experience in education and local Public Transport

MAIOR School: VIII Edition

MAIOR School enhances internal resources by ensuring rapid returns on software investments made.

The participation of different companies in each training session brings together the realities of local public transport and facilitates the sharing of experiences and working methods, both operational and organizational.

The conduct of the courses is interactive; traditional teaching is complemented by one or more project work, business cases, simulations and practical exercises.

MAIOR School already has 40+ training sessions to its credit, which have been attended by 150+ users from 35 Italian public transport companies.

MAIOR School: 2024 edition

Course 1


Timetable Optimization

   21 May 2024

The first course is designed for all operators who want to deepen their knowledge of the new MAIOR Suite for optimized service management in different scenarios. We will delve into the integrated service planning modules by providing tools for optimization, analysis, comparison and simulation of different scenarios.

MAIOR expert:


Key topics: schedules, frequency, time points, routes, scenarios, simulations, feeder runs, intermodality, rubber services, urban corridors.

Course 2


Electric transition

   29 May 2024

The second event offers insights into the machine shift scheduling module, providing management and optimization tools for full-electric or mixed fleets, analysis and comparison of scenarios to assess the impact of electric vehicles on service delivery

MAIOR expert:




Key topics: vehicle scheduling, constraints, vehicle types, SoC, batteries, recharges, power, battery degradation.

Course 2


Optimization of driver duties for all types of services

   05 June 2024

The lecture will be dedicated to all practitioners who want to deepen their knowledge on the new MAIOR Suite to plan and optimize human resources in any context: urban, suburban, mixed. Plus, also scenario analysis and comparison to assess the impact of constraints and regulatory rules.

MAIOR expert:


Key topics: driver assignment, regulations, constraints, types, tasks, costs, efficiency.

What to expect?

The new courses are aimed at all those who wish to learn more about advanced modes and functionalities of the MAIOR solution in order to make the best use of the knowledge gained to meet the growing needs of public mobility.

Each course has a duration of 1 day, starting at 9 a.m. and ending at 5:30 p.m. Each course includes a lunch break from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

A course guide will be distributed at the beginning of each course, and an individual certificate of participation will be distributed at the end.

Download the application form


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The pre-registration is considered completed upon receipt of this fully completed form.

Make the payment

Once your application has been accepted, we will send you the payment information. Registration is considered completed once this process is finalized.

Note: The number of places available is limited and the priority of registration is determined by the date of receipt of this application form.

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