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Assemble your drivers’ work and combine it into weekly rosters comprehensive of days off, while adhering to your company’s operational rules.

The MAIOR Suite optimzes your weekly Rosters of working duties and days off.

Define multiple rotation tables or bid packages, creating optimized rosters that include working duties and days off, differenting by calendar, categories, and depots. Manage different day off rotations accoring to your company’s needs.

maior weekly Rosters-desktop
maior weekly rosters-mobile

The MAIOR Suite optimzes your weekly Rosters of working duties and days off.

Define multiple rotation tables or bid packages, creating optimized rosters that include working duties and days off, differenting by calendar, categories, and depots. Manage different day off rotations accoring to your company’s needs.

Enhanced with a

rostering optimization algorithm

Optimize the distribution of duties in the roster obtaining an equilibrium of the average working hours or the preferred company’s cost parameter. All in respect of all your company rules, constraints and parameters.
The rostering algorithm creates a rostering solution even considering already assigned duties and other working activities. This feature helps to both save time, because it performs repetitive activities, and to obtain optimized and ready-to-use rostering solutions, according to all rules and constraints.


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maior autobus rostering-mobile


Want to learn more?

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