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Daily Dispatching of e-Buses

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Optimize your specific e-bus assignment needs and manage last-minute changes that happen every day at your depots.

The MAIOR Suite eases the Daily Management of your e-Bus fleet operations.

Simplify the management on real-time of last-minute changes of your electric vehicles, like the substitution of vehicles following malfunctioning, substitutions of drivers, creation of extra trips, or suppression of trips once the service is planned.

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maior daily-dispatching-mobile

The MAIOR Suite eases the Daily Management of your e-Bus fleet operations.

Simplify the management on real-time of last-minute changes of your electric vehicles, like the substitution of vehicles following malfunctioning, substitutions of drivers, creation of extra trips, or suppression of trips once the service is planned.

Enhanced with a

automatic vehicle assignment algorithm

Use customized rules for each depot and optimize the vehicle blocks assignment to your fleet.




Want to learn more?

All modules of the MAIOR Suite for e-Bus

Operations Management

Driver Assignment

Driver Portal


Mueve electric buses
E-Bus Fleet Planning & Scheduling in Bogota, Colombia

eBus Fleet Planning & Scheduling: The Bogota Case Study   The public transport company Mueve Fontibón, concessionaire of TRANSMILENIO S.A., Colombia's leading BRT company, has chosen the MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite to plan the operations…


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