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Addressing Driver Shortage in public transport: Solutions and Perspectives

The public transport industry is a vital part of the urban infrastructure, but in recent years, it has been plagued by a growing challenge: driver shortage. The lack of qualified drivers has created delays in services, inconvenience for passengers, and additional stress for those working in this sector. 

However, there are solutions and approaches that can make the role of drivers attractive again and mitigate this shortage.

1. Improve Working Conditions


Enhancing the working environment is a key strategy for mitigating the driver shortage in transport companies. This involves revisiting compensation packages to ensure they are on par with other careers, making working hours more flexible, minimizing overtime, and enhancing the attractiveness of duties to alleviate stress and fatigue. Furthermore, providing ongoing educational opportunities to enhance skills and capabilities can help increase job satisfaction and work safety.

2. Support Mental and Physical Health

Working driving and with passengers can be stressful, which can impact drivers’ mental and physical health. Companies could evaluate psychological support services and counseling to help drivers cope with stress and mental problems. In addition, promoting a healthy lifestyle through wellness programs and access to fitness facilities could help keep drivers physically and mentally healthy.

3. Provide Career Development Opportunities


In order to increase the appeal of the driver profession, it is essential to create a clearly defined career path within the company. This necessitates offering training opportunities that enable drivers to gain new skills and certifications, thereby making their career more stimulating and fulfilling. Additionally, acknowledging and rewarding drivers for their accomplishments, consistent punctuality in duty assignments, and their willingness to work overtime with incentives and recognition can further elevate the role of a driver.

4. Use of Technology to Simplify Work


Utilizing technology is a fundamental factor in streamlining the tasks of drivers, and it has the potential to enhance public transport services significantly. For instance, technology can be employed to analyze the public transport network, enhancing the precision of service scheduling. This might encompass pinpointing high-demand routes during peak hours, which can exert extra pressure on drivers, thus enabling more responsive and adaptable service planning.

Incorporating state-of-the-art vehicles equipped with driver assistance systems can bolster safety and alleviate stress. Furthermore, equipping drivers with mobile devices or apps for streamlined communication can enhance the overall efficiency of their work.

5. Engage Local Community


Public transport companies have the opportunity to leverage their connections with nearby communities to raise awareness about the significance of drivers’ roles. They can achieve this by arranging recruitment gatherings within the local vicinity to draw new candidates from the same region. Additionally, establishing corporate volunteer programs can cultivate a more favorable connection between drivers and the community, thereby strengthen the company’s ties with the local area.

6. Improve Management and Communication


Effective, transparent, and inclusive management is essential in tackling the issues faced by drivers, with a growing emphasis on cultivating a corporate culture that encourages trust, respect, and collaboration among all team members. To enhance the work-life balance of drivers in collaboration with the company, it is vital to ease prompt communication between drivers and their supervisors in the event of unexpected circumstances. This includes streamlined communication regarding their willingness to work overtime, the ability to exchange duties with colleagues, and reporting any delays while on the road.

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7. Develop Succession Plans

For a seamless transition and a cohesive community, companies can pinpoint and groom potential leaders from among their pool of drivers. Establishing leadership roles and mentorship programs within the transport companies can nurture internal talent and add complexity to drivers’ careers.

8. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Fostering a workplace that embraces individuals from various backgrounds, genders, and ethnicities is of utmost importance. Enforcing fair and merit-based hiring and promotion practices can contribute to the formation of a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Globally, the driver sector exhibits considerable gender inequality, with women occupying just 10 percent of the positions. The situation in Italy is notably more skewed, with women accounting for a mere 8.2 percent of the overall workforce and a mere 3.8 percent of driver roles

9. Gather Feedback Constantly

Regularly listening to drivers’ feedback and ideas to enhance the work environment is essential. Utilizing this feedback to implement tangible improvements can aid in creating a more satisfying work environment for drivers.


Reviving the appeal of drivers in public transport needs requires a holistic approach that encompasses pay improvements, technology integration, promotion of professional development and a challenging career path, active community involvement, greater attention to work-life balance, and a recognition of the importance of the work they do. Moreover, it is vital to engage drivers in solution discovery and decision-making. By addressing driver shortages comprehensively, we can ensure efficient and high-quality public transportat services for communities.

driver shortage in public transport


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