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Política de Privacidad para el envío de Hojas de Vida

Última actualización: 31.07.19

De acuerdo con el art. 13 del Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo por el que se establecen disposiciones para la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos y por el que se deroga la Directiva 95/46/CE (en adelante, “Reglamento”), proporcionamos la siguiente información:
1. Finalidad del tratamiento de los datos personales
Sus datos personales serán tratados por M.A.I.O.R. S.r.l., Titular del tratamiento, con el único fin de investigar, seleccionar y evaluar al personal con el fin de reclutarlo en su estructura organizativa.
2. Naturaleza de los datos tratados, modalidades de tratamiento y plazo de conservación
El tratamiento se realizará de forma automática y manual según criterios lógicos, compatibles y funcionales para las finalidades para las que fueron recogidos los datos, de acuerdo con las normas de confidencialidad y seguridad previstas en la normativa legal y reglamentaria.
La recogida sólo abarca los datos personales comunes, incluida su propia fotografía que acompañe a su perfil profesional, que se tratarán dentro de los límites estrictamente pertinentes para las obligaciones, tareas y fines establecidos en el apartado 1.
Por lo tanto, no será necesario que revele datos personales sensibles. Si existen datos similares en la hoja de vida, M.A.I.O.R. S.r.l. sólo tratará los datos relevantes para la evaluación de la aptitud profesional, en la medida en que la adquisición de esta información sea estrictamente necesaria para el establecimiento de la relación de colaboración/trabajo. El Titular se reserva el derecho de conservar en sus archivos sólo los perfiles que considere interesantes.
De acuerdo con los principios de legalidad, limitación de la finalidad y minimización de los datos, de acuerdo con el arte. 5 Reglamento 2016/679, sus datos personales se almacenarán durante el período de tiempo necesario para alcanzar los fines para los que se recogen y procesan. Sin embargo, la Compañía puede retener los datos incluso más tarde si cree que siguen siendo adecuados para el propósito de investigación y selección. En cualquier caso, el tratamiento de los datos cesará como consecuencia de una solicitud de cancelación por parte del interesado. La Empresa se reserva el derecho de destruir las hojas de vida o cualquier documento que contenga datos personales que no se consideren útiles a los efectos del apartado 1.
El proceso de toma de decisiones relacionado con el tratamiento de los datos facilitados es esencialmente automatizado. El procesamiento de datos con sistemas automatizados puede ser objeto de una solicitud de aclaración o de quejas por su parte en cualquier momento.
3. Carácter facultativo del suministro de datos
El suministro de datos es opcional. Sin embargo, la negativa a proporcionar datos hará que sea imposible considerar su candidatura en cualquier proceso de selección y evaluación.
4. Controlador de datos
El titular del tratamiento es M.A.I.O.R. s.r.l., dirección Via S. Donato, 512 – 55100 LUCCA.
5. Derechos del Interesado Sujeto
Por último, le recordamos que, de conformidad con los artículos 15 a 21 del Reglamento, usted tiene derecho a obtener la confirmación de la existencia o no de los datos que le conciernen, a obtener una indicación del origen, de las finalidades y modalidades del tratamiento, actualización, rectificación, integración de los datos y supresión de los mismos.
También tiene derecho a presentar una queja ante una autoridad supervisora si cree que los derechos enumerados aquí no han sido reconocidos.
Para ejercer estos derechos, póngase en contacto con el Titular escribiendo a M.A.I.O.R. s.r.l., dirección Via S. Donato, 512 – 55100 LUCCA, enviando un correo electrónico a la dirección, o poniéndose en contacto con nosotros AQUÍ.
6. Transferencia de datos personales
Sus datos podrían ser transferidos a la sociedad matriz con sede fuera de la UE. El Titular garantiza que la transferencia de datos a países no pertenecientes a la UE se realiza de acuerdo con las disposiciones legales aplicables.
Si, tras la lectura de este Aviso, usted decide revocar el consentimiento para transferir los datos a dichos destinatarios, el Titular no podrá garantizar la finalización del proceso de selección y evaluación.

Cookie Policy

Last revised: 12.11.21

This document provides information on the use by M.A.I.O.R. srl of cookies and tracking pixels in relation to the interaction by users with this website and the receipt of our e-mails.
M.A.I.O.R. srl (hereinafter MAIOR), with registered office in Via S.Donato 512 – 55100 Lucca, e-mail: maior[@], is the data controller of the personal data collected through the use of cookies and tracking pixels, to pursuant to Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).
Any changes we make to this Notice will be posted on this page.
The user can block cookies at any time, delete or disable them in the device or browser settings as indicated below in the paragraph “Disabling and Deleting Cookies”.

Technical information on Cookies and Tracking Pixels

Cookies are small text files that sites send to the user’s terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit by the same user. Cookies are used for different purposes: computer authentication, session monitoring, storing information on specific configurations concerning users accessing the server, sending advertising messages aimed at the interests expressed by the user during navigation, etc. By visiting a site, the user can also receive and store on his terminal cookies that are sent from different websites or web servers (“third parties”).
The tracking pixels, known in some cases also as “tracking codes”, are a small portion of code that is released by some systems in order to trace data relating to the user and his session or data related to the opening of the e-mail, completely transparent to the user himself.
The tracking pixel can be released with different technologies, the most common are:
• the 1 × 1 pixel-image;
• the iframe;
• javascript.
MAIOR uses the pixel-image which is a simple code that hides a practical and functional real-time information collection system. For example, it lets you know if an email we sent was opened, by whom and when.

Types of cookies

The law includes the following types of cookies:
• based on what they do:
• The “technical cookies”:
◦ Session or navigation cookies
◦ Analytics cookies
◦ Functionality cookies
• The “profiling cookies”
• based on who installs them:
• “First party” cookies
• “Third-party” cookies

• Technical Cookies
Technical cookies are those that provide the user with some features that facilitate navigation. They are used solely and exclusively to make a website work fully or to collect anonymous and aggregate statistics.
They are not used for other purposes and are normally installed directly by the website owner or manager.
3 types of technical cookies are identified:

1. Navigation or session cookies: they guarantee the normal navigation and use of the website; these are essential cookies to navigate the site using all its features, such as maintaining the session and accessing restricted areas. They are strictly necessary, as without them it would not be possible to provide the requested services. These cookies do not collect information to be used for commercial purposes.

2. Analytics cookies: similar to technical cookies when used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site;

3. Functional cookies: allow the user to navigate according to a series of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service provided

The website works optimally if technical cookies are enabled; however, you can decide not to allow the use of cookies on your computer by changing the settings of the browser used (see next paragraph). However, it should be borne in mind that, in the event that technical cookies are disabled, some features of the site may also be disabled.

• Profiling cookies
Profiling cookies are those that allow you to create a personal profile of the user based on his behavior and are used in order to send messages in line with the preferences expressed by the same in the context of surfing the net
Another tool that acts like a profiling cookie is the “tracking pixel” that we mentioned at the beginning of this information.

• First party cookies
These are cookies that belong to the Owner and that collect user data accessible only by MAIOR.

• Third party cookies
Third-party cookies are those installed by visiting our site but using third-party computer systems.
These may include technical cookies, for which the user’s prior consent for installation is not required, and profiling cookies.

Deactivation and Elimination of Cookies

The settings of the browser used by the user to navigate allow both the cancellation and the possibility of avoiding the installation of cookies on the electronic device used. To find out how to manage cookies in the following browsers, click on the link indicated:
• Apple Safari:
• Google Chrome:
• Mozilla Firefox:
• Internet Explorer:
• Microsoft Edge:
• Opera:
Furthermore, third-party cookies can be deleted by requesting the opt-out directly from third parties or through the site, where it is possible to manage the tracking preferences of most of the advertising tools.

Cookies used

MAIOR uses:
• Own technical cookies: Navigation / session cookies, functional cookies
• Own profiling cookies: Tracking pixels
• Third-party technical cookies:
◦ Google Analytics with anonymized IP
Google Analytics is a statistical analysis service provided by Google Inc. that uses cookies to measure visits and use of the Application by Users. Google declares that the data collected does not allow user profiling as it receives the IP address of the anonymized Users and other anonymous data that cannot identify the User. The prior consent of the User is not required for the use of these cookies.
For more information, see the page:
• Third-party profiling cookies:
◦ Google Adwords Remarketing
Google Adwords Remarketing is a service provided by Google Inc. that uses cookies to study and improve advertising in order to send the User messages in line with their interests. Remarketing helps to reach the Users who have visited the Application.
The prior consent of the User is required for the use of these cookies.
For more information, see the page:
• Google AdWords with conversion tracking
Google AdWords with conversion tracking is the Google Inc. service that tracks the actions of the User after he clicks on the advertisements managed by Google.
The prior consent of the User is required for the use of these cookies.
For more information, see the page:

Times and methods of conservation

Cookies have a duration dictated by the expiration date or by a specific action, such as closing the browser at the time of installation, the user’s withdrawal of consent to their treatment or the deactivation / elimination of cookies as indicated in the specific paragraph of this Policy.
Profiling cookies, in particular, are stored on the User’s device for a period not exceeding 12 months. At the expiry of this term, the banner will be re-proposed to the User through which it will be necessary to give consent to the use of these cookies again.

Rights of the interested Subject

Finally, we remind you that, pursuant to articles 15 to 21 of the Rules, you have the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of data concerning you, to obtain an indication of the origin, of the purposes and methods of the processing, updating, rectification, integration of data and the deletion of data.
You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you believe that the rights listed here have not been recognized.
To exercise these rights, please contact the Data Controller by writing to M.A.I.O.R. s.r.l., address Via S. Donato, 512 – 55100 LUCCA, by sending an e-mail to the address maior[@], or by contacting us HERE.

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